Artist: Peter Steller
Steller’s works in bronze are inspired by nature and the arts.
Limited Edition Bronze 2/15
Artist Statement: This was inspired by the treble clef symbol, my love of sailing and the shape of sails. However as the sculpture progressed I saw it also evolving as a flower, opening, releasing an evocative fragrance drifting on a gentle breeze.
Award: First Prize - 2019 Queensland Royal National Show
Limited Edition Bronze
Dimensions: 70 x 35 x 30cm
Artist Statement: Graceful, unconventional lines are used in this sculpture to form volume and expression. Marrying the lines of the wing and the head of the Albatross to form a wave, defines the Albatross in harmony with its’ environment.
Awards: 2014 Best composition - Wildlife Art @ Discovery, Canberra
Limited Edition Bronze of 3/15
Dimensions: 93 x 46 x 38cm
Artist Statement: The art of the Flamenco dance is one filled with emotion while capturing the expressive movements of the body and face of the dancer. While attending the concert ‘Flamenco Fire’ at the QPAC theatre, I was mesmerized by the dancers: the colour and movement of the swirling dresses and capes, the stamping of feet and the rhythm of the music.
Awards: 2015 Peoples’ Choice - Brisbane Sculpture Festival
Limited Edition Bronze of i/20
Dimensions: 55x 30 x 30
Artist Statement: Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.
Limited Edition Bronze 1/25
Artist Statement: This sculpture portrays a chaotic scene of a fleet of boats in a sailing regatta, sailing in different directions when rounding a buoy during a race. Glimpses of the many different sails are represented by the outlines with the bright bronze edging. No mater from which angle the sculpture is viewed boats are seen sailing either downwind or upwind.
Dimensions: 53x30x20cm
Material: Limited Edition Bronze 2/15
Dimensions: 67 x 23 x 20cm
Artist statement: This limited edition bronze was cast from an original created from Jacaranda wood which has won numerous prizes.
So often we admire the plumage of birds but don’t appreciate the skills and the beauty of their choreographed acrobatic dance like movements in the sky. The graceful twisting, turning, diving and soaring movements are the inspiration for this sculpture.
Awards: 2018 First Prize - RNA